NO PRICE IS TOO HIGH FOR YOUR DREAM When you tow the path of destiny, the devil will always come up to oppose. The bible calls him the accuser of the brethren. he is a thief, a killer and a destroyer. The devil will only leave you, if you are not a disturbance to his kingdom. but you must be ready to pay the price to overcome the works and opposition of the devil. Every great destiny, requires a great price, Jesus said, who is that man, that desires to build, and will not sit down to count the cost..... Every great dream requires your time, energy and resources. Your time of fasting and praying, your time of research and planning . Your strength will be required as well. The time of studying and praying in the presence of God will always pay off in the long run. The bible says "study to show yourself approved as a work man that needed not to ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth" if you don't study, y...