Chapter six
The Midnight hour…

1Th 5:7. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

he midnight is the transition point between two days or level.
This is a very critical period in a man’s life, at this point, many loose consciousness of themselves, their dreams and destiny. This is the breaking point that ushers you from one level of glory to another.
        Esau lost his birthright at the midnight hour of his life, his destiny and future became distorted from that moment when his appetite could not allow him to foresee the future and let go of the pleasure of today. But out rightly despise his birthright, by birth, he was suppose to carry on with the Abrahamic linage and blessings. It was suppose to be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Esau, but the order was changed to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
        The midnight could be a testing period, to know if you are prepared and qualified to carry on to the next level.
        King Saul lost his throne to David, because he could not manage his midnight period.
        Jesus also found himself at this critical period, when he began to be very sorrow full  and started feeling the pain of death then came to Gethsemane to pray, he said “how I which that this cup will pass away from me, but nevertheless, not my will but thy will be done”
At this point, his flesh was weak, but his spirit was still very willing, he could have called twelve legions of angels to come for his rescue but did not, because he knew that if he makes the wrong decision at this moment, everything will go wrong, and the entire human race will be in perpetual darkness, most of all the Father would have been disappointed.
        What you do at the midnight hour matters a lot, Jesus prayed and got his victory. Peter denied the lord three good times at his own midnight hour, he started sleeping at the hour he was suppose to be praying. For Judas his greed for money took over him at this hour and the ended betraying his master.
        The midnight hour is the hour you are most vulnerable and the devil can take advantage of that, hence the word says “watch and pray”. Paul and Silas was in the prison lock up, but at midnight began to praise and pray, and the Holy ghost came down, shook the foundation of the prison and liberated them. It was also the midnight hour for the church when bro james was taken and killed before the eyes and because they were still sleeping, herod came again and took peter, but thank God the church woke up from their sleep and began to pray, even though peter himself was sleeping in the prison when he was suppose to be praying, the angel of the lord stepped into the prison that night and delivered him.

Take note of your area of weakness and moments when you are most vulnerable, let God help you deal with it, because “what you don’t address will undress you”.


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