Your desire determines your design in life. life does not answer to your demand but to your seed. Seed in return supplies your demand and needs. Desire is what propels you from where you are to where you want to be. Desire is a level of dissatisfaction, a press for some thing more or higher.
D---- stands for dreams, drive and determination.
A man without a dream or a goal in life will end up in a place called NO WHERE. Any future that you can not picture, you can not feature in it. God said to Abraham, as far as your eyes can see. If you can see it then you can seize it. God cannot hand over your hands what your eyes can not dream or picture. Dreams are pictoral reflection of the future. God said to Habakuk, write the vision and make it plain. my friend concerning your future, your business, ministry, family etc. WHAT DO YOU SEE?
What is driving you? A man without a drive in life can not achieve anything. Drive is a force that accelerates you to your desired goal in life. '
Determination makes you stop at nothing until you fulfil your dreams. A man with determination is unstoppable.
Zachaeus had a dream to see Jesus, He had a drive and was determined to see no other person but Jesus.
E------stands for expectations.
Expectation is said to be the mother of manifestation. what you dont expect you cannot experience. Expectation attracts, it is a force that pulls you towards your dream or desires. Every pregnant woman look forward to the ninth month of delivery. Expectation brings about manifestations. When you carry the pregnacy of your dreams and destiny in your heart or spirit, it affects every other thing in your life, your eating habit, drinking habit, the cloths you wear and lots more, why because you will not want any thing to happen to your baby (dreams). The big question is ARE YOU EXPECTING SOMETHING.
S------stands for seperation.
Seperation is what distinguish the boys from the men. For the sake of your dreams and desires, there is need to seperate your self from certain things, people and places. The bible says "come out from among them and be ye seperate". For Jacob to encounter God at Bethel, he had to seperate himself and was left alone with God and his life was turned around. For Abram to become Abraham the man God originally designed for him, he had to seperate himself first from his family (kinsmen) Gen 12:1 God said get out of ....... " When Abraham was with lot, he could not see far, until lot was seperated from him ... Gen 13:14 after that lot was seperated from him, God said to him now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are ......"
The reason why we could not see far in life many at times is because of the things we surround ourselves with. Abraham was commanded by God to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, When got to Moriah, said to the servants stay with the asses. Not every body can go with you to the next level. Seperated men are Celebrated men.
I---------stands for Inspiration.
Any dream that does not inspire you will soon expire. Your dreams should stir up something in you. When Elizabeth saw Mary the baby in her womb leaped for joy. If the dreams you have does not cause something to bubble within you, dream again. Inspiration keeps your dream alive.
R-------stands for resistance.
The wind of life is not blowing towards your direction, but opposite, so there comes a need to fight for your dream because opposition will arise. Paul said I count not myself to have attained, but this one thing I do, I PRESS towards the mark of my high calling. The calling of God for our life is a high one, the devil will do every thing to abort it. You must make up your mind to get there no matter the cost. PRESS through every circumstance or situations of life. Consider Joseph and his dreams, he had several resistance but at the end he got there. I speak to your life in the name of Jesus Christ you must get there. Every one has a place called THERE. THERE is your destination or your desired dreams in life.
E--------Embrace it
Gen 13:17
God said to Abraham, "Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breath of it; for I will give it unto thee.
Stretch forth your hands and take what God has given you, stretch out of your comfort zone, Peter had to step out of the boat of poverty, fear, depression, limitation you can name it, into the water of abundance, supernatural, grace and fortune. you need to step out by your self and reach out to God
2 kgs 6:1-7 Elijah said to the prophet trainee, take it up with your hands. God has given but you have to take it. Take it by Faith and it will be yours in Jesus name.
S------stands for seperation.
Seperation is what distinguish the boys from the men. For the sake of your dreams and desires, there is need to seperate your self from certain things, people and places. The bible says "come out from among them and be ye seperate". For Jacob to encounter God at Bethel, he had to seperate himself and was left alone with God and his life was turned around. For Abram to become Abraham the man God originally designed for him, he had to seperate himself first from his family (kinsmen) Gen 12:1 God said get out of ....... " When Abraham was with lot, he could not see far, until lot was seperated from him ... Gen 13:14 after that lot was seperated from him, God said to him now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are ......"
The reason why we could not see far in life many at times is because of the things we surround ourselves with. Abraham was commanded by God to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, When got to Moriah, said to the servants stay with the asses. Not every body can go with you to the next level. Seperated men are Celebrated men.
I---------stands for Inspiration.
Any dream that does not inspire you will soon expire. Your dreams should stir up something in you. When Elizabeth saw Mary the baby in her womb leaped for joy. If the dreams you have does not cause something to bubble within you, dream again. Inspiration keeps your dream alive.
R-------stands for resistance.
The wind of life is not blowing towards your direction, but opposite, so there comes a need to fight for your dream because opposition will arise. Paul said I count not myself to have attained, but this one thing I do, I PRESS towards the mark of my high calling. The calling of God for our life is a high one, the devil will do every thing to abort it. You must make up your mind to get there no matter the cost. PRESS through every circumstance or situations of life. Consider Joseph and his dreams, he had several resistance but at the end he got there. I speak to your life in the name of Jesus Christ you must get there. Every one has a place called THERE. THERE is your destination or your desired dreams in life.
E--------Embrace it
Gen 13:17
God said to Abraham, "Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breath of it; for I will give it unto thee.
Stretch forth your hands and take what God has given you, stretch out of your comfort zone, Peter had to step out of the boat of poverty, fear, depression, limitation you can name it, into the water of abundance, supernatural, grace and fortune. you need to step out by your self and reach out to God
2 kgs 6:1-7 Elijah said to the prophet trainee, take it up with your hands. God has given but you have to take it. Take it by Faith and it will be yours in Jesus name.
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