Manna is not enough

Text : Exo 16:11-36
Lk 24:13- 16, 28 -31

Man-hu the Hebrew word for manna, meaning what is it?
Yes the children of Israel called it manna because it was something new, they have not seen it before. It came like a surprise. This was a question of surprise at a wonder that surpasses the human comprehension. Things only God can explain. Things that when God does in your life or through your life cannot be explained.
In this season your testimonies will be difficult for men to explain.
# Highlights
* The time of it's appearing. AT NIGHT.  The night season for everyone is usually not a sweet experience. It is the season of tears, pain, weakness, confusion, pandemic and the likes. The word says, for your shame, He will give you double. When men are cast down, then shall you say, there is a lifting. The storm may ranging but, peace be still.

# How it came.
* It came miraculously. It was not man made but divinely provided.
* It came with the dew. Gen 27:28-30, mic 5:7, deut: 32:2, ps:133:3 and Isa:18:4

# it came as a small round substance. Round indicate no beginning, no ending. The ending is the beginning of something new . For behold i will do a new thing. You will not remember the former pain or shame.
# it came a spiritual food. The bread from heaven.  Jh 6:31 - 58 , Rev 2:17

As Wonderful as the manna may be, it is not enough.
# Manna is for day to day sustainance.
# Manna is for our daily bread.
# Manna is limited, it for you and your household.
# You cannot be a blessing to the nation with just manna.
# You cannot manifest as a son with just manna.
# You cannot exploy the resources of the kingdom with just manna.
# You cannot take over the city with manna anointing.

Let's go beyond manna and press for deeper things in the kingdom. There are dimensions of the kingdom we cannot access with the satisfaction of manna.
There is a city of promise, you cannot enter the promised city with manna. Manna can only sustain you in the wilderness.
# There is another dimension of the bread called the shewbread.
The shewbread is also called the bread of His presence. Not every one can access the shewbread. It is a dimension of God word or prophecy called the revealed word. Epignosis.
This dimension comes as a result of concious and deliberate hunger for more. You cannot access the shewbread, until you encounter the seven candle sticks. Which represents the seven spirit of God. The revealed word cannot be understood, until the light from the candle sticks beams on it.
# How to access the shewbread.
* Through intimacy with the holy spirit.
* Through communion
* Through fellowship.
* Through hunger for more.
* Through genuine worship.
Lk 24:13-16, 28-31
Their eyes were opened as they dine at the table of his presence. The bread was broken. ( Study and meditation)
# dont settle for the act (manna) when you can access the ways (shewbread). Press beyond manna, for manna is not enough.
# You cannot save from manna
# You cannot invest from manna
# You cannot impact lives from manna.
While men are satisfied with the acts of God, PRESS for more. The ways of the lird is found from a hungry search for His WAYS.
Manna is not enough.
Prayerfully study it.


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